Tuesday, February 19, 2008

time mangment

I know if i plan ahead more that i would be better off. I know if i head out the house earlier that i could be on time more. I sometimes leave the house later thinking ill be on time and i end up being a lilttle late. i plan on leaveing five mintues early from now on and knowing the fastest way on getting to where iam trying to get and make a list.I put the most important stuff first the things that has to be done first and the things that can wait till the end.

my journal

i trun in my applacation

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

week three

i know study skills can help prepare u and get you ahead of the class maybe. i kno it helped me in my everyday life knowing how to prepare for important things
i would like to be an althtic tranier when i grow up because i would like to stay around sports.

week one

I would like to improve on my study habbits in and out of class. i know if i study harder my grades will come out better. i wont to improve my study habbits to make my parents and myself proud of what i've done. i think it will also make me better prepaired for life outside of school and outside in the world by my self.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

my journal 2/5/08

i had an interview last week at the ymca and i start my service learning on febuary 25 and traing on the 24 th .